A special message from Joe Brown, President of Stair Lifts 101.
My mother-in-law recently celebrated her 86th birthday. She lives alone, gets around very well and doesn't really depend on anyone to do chores or other things for her. She makes her own decisions about how to spend her day. And she's made it to this age without suffering from any limiting disabilities. Although I watch her engage in all the activities of life, I can't help but be concerned. Several of her friends and neighbors of about the same age tell horror stories about falling and suffering injuries like broken bones. One day of being over-tired, one uncertain step or one dizzy spell could change everything.
So we bought her a stair lift. She didn't need one to get up and down the stairs, but we thought it could be helpful. We hoped it would keep her from getting tired out and could help with her joint pain, since she wouldn't be climbing stairs. We simply wanted to reduce the risk of her taking a fall. This is only one of hundreds of examples where stair lifts can be beneficial. I think we got as much benefit from the stair lift as Mom did, since we worry less about her comfort and safety. Let's face it--most of us would choose to live in our homes and be self-reliant for as long as possible. Stair lifts help to facilitate these goals.
Another great example of the benefits of a stair lift is when a person does suffer from a disability. When it is physically impossible for a person to get up the stairs, a stair lift isn't just a preventative measure but a necessity. Stair lifts cost much less than having an elevator or elevator-type lift installed. I once installed a stair lift for a man with severely limited mobility, who had no use of his lower body. While he could have had an elevator lift installed that would lift him in his wheelchair, he was clever enough to figure out that a stair lift was a better option. It cost him less to have two wheelchairs, so that once he rode upstairs in the lift, a second chair waited for him, than it would to have his home modified for an elevator. He slides into the swivel chair on his stair lift right from his wheelchair, then slides into his second wheelchair once he reaches the top. When he goes back down, his chair is waiting at the bottom. He saved a lot of time and money by choosing this option.
Stair lifts can be used for things other than helping people up and down the stairs. Someone who can walk on stairs very well but can't carry items up and down might use a lift to send things like laundry, household supplies or other items up or down stairs. The potential uses go well beyond the obvious one of moving a person up and down stairs.
If you have any questions about how to use or modify a stair lift for a personal routine, you should call our stair lift professionals for advice. We are always standing by to help you - just dial 1 (800) 910-0954!
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