We've sold a variety of stair lifts of various makes and models for the last decade. And sometimes we've come across the sales pitches of other sellers that criticize specific designs. It's important to remember that these are usually just sales pitches designed to push a specific model by making other brands and styles look less desirable. Some lifts use gears as their mode of operation while other styles chiefly use cables or worm drives, which are also called screw drives. All stair lift manufacturers have usually worked on their designs for years and eliminated any potential drawbacks. We don't believe there's one style that's better than another, so we recommend you don't spend time worrying about the engineering design of any particular model. Even the most noticeable difference, the amount of noise during operation, isn't significant enough to worry about.
Want to learn more about the different models of stair lift we sell? Contact our product experts today by dialing 1 (800) 910-0954!
Standard Features Included With Most Stair Lifts Preparing For Stair Lift Installations